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Education, advice, and access to smart investment resources

Startups rely on investment to fund their operations and boost their growth. But raising money is not an easy task. Founders need a clear company strategy and amplify their options to identify the right investors. This is exactly what parallel18 Ventures does: offer our startups advice, connections to our investor database, and support in the road to raise funds.

The parallel18 investor network is composed of hundreds of local and international members, which actively invest in startups from Latin America, the United States, and Puerto Rico. Collectively, parallel18 graduated companies have raised close to $210M USD in private capital. In fact, the island’s investment landscape is growing exponentially, with Puerto Rico-based investors putting over $12M USD in parallel18 local companies.


Capital deployed (including Business Continuity Fund)


Portfolio Companies Still Active
(Including Business Continuity Fund)


Business Continuity Fund Portfolio (29 startups)


Matching Fund Portfolio Raised (34 startups)

Portfolio Companies

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